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Legislative Priorities

Read the Statement of Legislative Priorities approved by the Board of Directors and Executive Council of the SCCSS.

NCSS Advocacy Tool Kit
 Speaking with your elected officials can be a little intimidating. The National Council for the Social Studies has a page dedicated to advocating for the social studies. Visit this link for tools to help you advocate for quality social studies education in every school, for every student, every day. 
Contacting your Elected Officials
  1.  Not sure who to contact? Visit this page and enter your address. A new page will open which lists your SC House and Senate members as well as US House and Senate members. It is that simple!
  2. Follow the link to the biographies of your Representative and/ or Senator. On that page, there is a linked form from where you may send an email. (You could also write a personal letter or make a phone call.)
  3. Your email message should be short and to the point. Imagine you are on an elevator and only have five stops to get your message across. Your message should be laser-focused: who you are, why social studies is important, and how legislation could personally impact you and the students you teach. Limit your points to three. Tell the legislator what it is you would like he/she to do.  
  4. There is power in numbers. Make sure your colleagues also contact their elected officials!

Points to remember: 

(a) A personalized message is better than a copy and paste job. Legislators do not like a form letter.  

(b) Thank your elected official for the time they devote to serving the citizens of South Carolina. 

(c) Follow how your elected official votes. If he/she votes in favor of social studies, send them a follow-up note thanking him/her for their support. 

(d) Build a personal relationship with your elected officials and their staff. They will be more likely to consider your ideas if this is not the first time you are contacting them. 

(e) SCCSS would like to know of your advocacy efforts. Please complete this short form. 

From 2019- But Still Very Relevant! 

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